Sunday, March 22, 2015

Undergraduate Certificate in Social Media (Soul Story)

CMLife my university newspaper recently did a feature story on the certificate I am currently pursuing as a part of my bachelors degree. The Undergraduate Certificate in Social Media, according to the article all the courses for this certificate were created by Mary Lichtman and its already helping students move up in their careers even though it was just created in 2012.

This article made me feel better about my decision to pursue the Undergraduate Certificate in Social Media here at Central Michigan University and really does pertain to my future. This article just helped me realize more and more what I am learning in these social media courses and how it can help me significantly in my future.

I decided to share this story with others in my social media class because it really does pertain to them as most of them are also pursuing the Social Media Certificate like I am. To get in contact with my classmates I've posted the link to my blog post in our class discussion board and I've also shared my post only Google+ where I am connected with most of them.

The audience for this article is anyone at Central Michigan University and off campus looking to expand their social media skills by pursuing the certificate. Because this article pertains to such a range of potential students the demographics could be all over the place but primarily Journalism, Business and Public Relations students at CMU from ages 18- 30 though it could be anyone with some interest in expanding their social media skills.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Dress That Broke the Internet More Than Kim Kardashian's Paper Magazine Cover

Kim Kardashian attends the launch of THAT magazine
At the beginning of this past December Kim Kardashian's PAPER magazine cover was released with the intention of "breaking the internet" basically just causing a fuss on social media and getting people to talk and it worked. I felt like I would never stop seeing Kim Kardashian's butt on my news-feed. But, Kim K is nothing compared this new internet sensation most commonly known as "The Dress"
People are obsessed with this badly lit photo of a cheap mother of the bride dress and it's all over my Twitter feed. According to CNBC "The internet is divided" some see the actual colors of the dress, black and blue, when they see this dimly lit photo while others see white and gold. The dress debate started with a Tumblr post that proceeded to go viral with the help of mega- viral content producer Buzzfeed and now it's seemingly everywhere.
Personally I see the colors white and gold even though the dress is actually blue and black which I found out is because the rods in my eyes don't work well in dim light and are less light- sensitive than other peoples eyes.
It's crazy to me how something so ridiculous and unimportant can go viral so quickly while real issues in our country and others are looked over and harder to spread. Partly I feel this is because my generation and the generations below me have such a strong influence on the internet and many of us just don't really care or wish to know more about the terrible things going on in the world around us. This makes me sad but also gives me hope for how the internet and what type of content is important will change as my generation gets older and older.